When it comes to art, resilience is the capability of the art to maintain aesthetics, specifically distinguishing it from other objects. In arts, resilience appears as a response to gradually setting aside of beauty throughout the twentieth century resulting today in incompetence to define the work of art.

Resilience is a term generally used to how well we can deal with and bounce back from the hardships of life. Besides, it's about recognizing the difference between handling pressure and losing our cool. Resilient people tend to maintain a positive outlook and cope with pressure more efficiently.

Research has proved that while some individuals seem to be naturally resilient, these behaviors can also be learned. So, if you're going through a challenging time and want to be prepared for the next one, here are some techniques you can learn to foster your own resilience.

These are some of the things I do and recommed to get you through the rough times.

1)    Finding The Purpose

In the face of tragedy or crisis, finding a purpose can play an imperative role in your recovery. Besides, this is about becoming involved in the community, cultivating spirituality, or contributing to activities that you find meaningful.

2)    Believe In Yourself

Having self-confidence in your ability to handle the stresses of life can play an essential part in resilience. Becoming self-confident in your abilities, to respond to and deal with a disaster, is a great way to build strength for the future. Besides, research has confirmed that your self-esteem plays an imperative role in coping with stress and recovering from difficult events of life. Remind yourself about your strengths and accomplishments to face everything with courage.

3)    Maintain A Social Network

It's vital to have people you can confide in. Having supportive, caring people around you serves as a protective factor in times of crisis. Whereas simply conversing about a situation with a friend or loved one doesn't make your troubles go away, it enables you to express your feelings, receives positive feedback, gets support, and come up with possible solutions to all your problems.

4)    Stay Flexible

Flexibility is a central part of resilience. By learning how to be more flexible, you will be better equipped to deal when faced with a life crisis. Besides, resilient people utilize this crisis as an opportunity to find new directions. Although abrupt changes might crush some people, highly resilient people can adapt and thrive.

5)    Stay Optimistic

Maintaining a positive attitude during dark times can be difficult, but keeping a hopeful outlook is an essential part of resiliency. What you are facing may be difficult, but it's imperative to remain positive and optimistic for a brighter future.

Besides, positive thinking doesn't mean overlooking the problem to emphasize the positive outcomes. But, it's about understanding that these setbacks are temporary and believing that you have the skills to battle the challenges you face.

In conclusion, resilience might take time to build, so don't get disheartened if you still struggle to face problematic events. Remember that everyone can learn to stay resilient, and it doesn't require any specific set of action or behavior. Besides, resilience can vary intensely from one person to the next. Therefore, focus on practicing such skills, as well as the basic characteristics of resilient people, and remember to build on your existing strengths.